
光滑的和最小的吗?检查。大屏幕?检查。大量技术?检查,检查和检查!E 'llipse旅行是所有手表手表结束。为什么?因为它有一个华丽的处理器和人机学习最新的算法。是的,这学习你! It knows what you want and keeps you up to date. That’s not all. ZigBee and Bluetooth modules enable indoor localization, an impossible feat for GPS. The UI is based on widgets – one for every kind; time, weather, calendar and a custom API lets developers get creative.

设计者:苏咀嚼Lee &保罗。迪普罗迪

E 'llipse旅行者计时器苏咀嚼Lee &保罗。迪普罗迪